
RHYMe (Reproductive Health for You and Me) is a social educational initiative that aims to work with NGOs and community groups to create and raise awareness about menstrual health, particularly PCOS and its associated health risks among women and girls from underserved communities, while also campaigning for increased awareness across society. The first step in overcoming a health disorder is being equipped with the knowledge of how to recognise, treat and heal it. Imbibing this knowledge is only possible when the topic is part of the larger conversation. The intersection between education and society is undeniable and we believe it is crucial that we use this intersection to action change and aid in the development of public healthcare and programs, specifically targeted at marginalised groups.


Through RHYMe, we seek to conduct a two pronged approach, wherein we firstly develop open educational resources focused on menstrual health and wellbeing, thereby raising awareness; and secondly, fundraise and collaborate with NGOs to create contextualised, cost-effective solutions and interventions to create greater awareness and education about PCOS and reproductive health.